
Step 1

Enter your Business Information.

Enter black ownership percentage

  • Business Information
  • Black Ownership or Beneficiaries
  • Annual Turnover or Net Asset Value

Business Information

Is your business a Start-up Enterprise? *
* Please make sure one of the IsStartUp options checked.
* Business Sector required

Black Ownership or Beneficiaries

Calculate BEE Level
Black Ownership or Beneficiaries

Business Turnover Information

This information is required to determine if the business qualifies as an EME or a QSE.

* Please select a Turnover value

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Need Assistance?

Please note, Creating an Affdavit on this website is free.

If assistance is required, the user will however be charged ZAR 650 (Excl. VAT)

Please book assistance.
Where paid-for assistance is utilized we will commission the affidavit free of charge.

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